Friends of Strays is temporarily closed for adoptions following damage from Hurricane Milton. For other programs and services, please check the program pages.

Happy Tails: Chopped Suey and Kimber

Monday, November 25, 2019

Chopped Suey and his littermates Wasabi & Sushi were ordinary kittens at Friends of Strays. Per usual, these adorable brown tabbies returned from foster care at 8 weeks old, hit our adoption floor and were off to their furever homes in just a few short days.

Chopped Suey would soon go on to serve a bigger purpose, though. A young boy named Bray had open heart surgery in September of this year and his mom was in search of the purr-fect prescription for a successful recovery. “My son is an animal lover.” says mom, Nicky. “He’s so kind-hearted when it comes to animals and has been asking me for a pet for a while. I just knew that this was the right time.” 

After Bray felt well enough to leave the house, Nicky surprised him with a trip to FOS and together they picked out the perfect kitten, Chopped Suey. Bray decided to name his new brother Scar, after the scar he now bears on his chest, and they immediately knew they made the right choice. After open heart surgery, Scar took over as Bray’s caregiver. He stayed by his brother’s side every step of his recovery. They napped together, built forts together, watched movies together, and kept each other company every day.

“I work at home so Scar has PLENTY of attention during the day and keeps me company -- and my lap warm -- while I work. As soon as Bray comes home from school, I turn into second best and I'm okay with that. They have become BFFs and love each other so much! I am a firm believer in the saying "everything happens for a reason" and I know Scar came into our lives at the right time for the right reason!”

Kimber’s previous family said she's the perfect dog -- house trained, loves to snuggle, good with other dogs, and overall very well behaved. However, when she's left alone, she gets nervous, her anxiety takes over, and she becomes quite the escape artist. In her first home, Kimber broke her way out of two crates and chewed her way through two doors. That's why we turned to our community for some help to get her adopted. 


Kimber needed an Impact Dog Crate for a successful life, which are not cheap. Impact Dog Crates are renowned high anxiety crates, specifically engineered for escape-artist dogs who have successfully outsmarted plastic and wire kennels. They are made from 12 gauge aluminum and backed by a lifetime guarantee. So Friends of Strays started a Facebook fundraiser, looking to raise $900 for her crate, and to nobody’s surprise you guys came through for us! In only 10 days, our fundraiser hit $1,095 and we were able to purchase an Impact Dog Crate for Kimber to take to her furever home!


Shortly after, Kimber found a loving family of her very own and left Friends of Strays with her crate in paw. Not only does it keep all her family’s possessions in one piece, but more importantly it ensures her safety. “Kimber is getting all the love and fun she has ever wanted,” says her new mom, Hayley, “and is also doing well with her separation anxiety. We are all very happy!”


It bears repeating: Friends of Strays has the most loyal & dedicated supporters out there. We are so grateful for our community and could not accomplish what we do without you in our corner! Kimber and all of our animals thank you for being by our side.
